The wedding march began and Victor turned from the altar to watch his beautiful bride slowly walk up the aisle towards him.
After so much unhappiness, he had once assumed he would never be happy again, and yet right now he did not believe it was possible for any man to be feel a greater level of happiness than he was experiencing.
She reached his side and smiled up at him, and he knew that together they would face everything and anything that life sent their way. He was not only marrying the most beautiful woman he had ever met, but also the bravest, the kindest, the most selfless, and that woman had agreed to be his wife.
He took her hand and turned to face the vicar to listen to the service and make his wedding vows.
Finally, the vicar said, ‘I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the—’
Before he had finished, Victor took his wife in his arms and kissed her. ‘I love you,’ he whispered in her ear. ‘And I promise you that you will not regret consenting to be my wife for one single day of our life.’ It was a claim Victor was happy to do everything in his power to abide by.
‘I owe you so much, and I am so lucky to have you,’ he added. ‘And to think I nearly lost you.’
‘Let’s not think of that, ever again,’ she said as he took her hand and led her back down the aisle to the applause of the assembled guests. ‘Let’s only ever think about today and our future.’
They walked out into sunshine and a shower of rose petals. He kissed his wife again, knowing that they had a happy future to look forward to and she was right—all unhappiness could now stay in the past, where it belonged.
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